
Entity Definition

Logical Name : SpendingLimit
Physical Name : CO_SPND_LM

A rule that establishes a limit on the transaction count, monetary value per transaction and/or total transaction value permitted over a defined period of time. This is used for college stored value cards, government issued stored value cards and other SVI's with a relatively large monetary value.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
StoredValueInstrumentTypeCode (FK)(PK) An ARTS standard code to designate the category of a StoredValueInstrument. POSLOG6 values are: GiftCard GiftCertificate PhoneCard SmartCard OnlineVoucher CarwashVoucher CD_STRD_VL_INSTRMNT_TYP Code varchar(20) StoredValueInstrumentType(CO_STRD_VL_INSTRMNT_TYP)
TransactionLimitQuantityPerPeriod The maximum allowed number of transactions allowed within a defined time period (usually a 24 hour period). QU_TRN_LM_QTY_PR_PRD QuantityShortCount decimal(3,0)
TransactionLimitTimePeriodTypeCode Designated time period type. Valid values include HOUR DAY WEEK MONTH CD_TRN_LM_TM_PRD_TYP Code varchar(20)
TransactionLimitTimePeriodQuantity The number of TransactionLimitTimePeriods that apply to a TransactionLimitQuantityPerPeriod. QU_TRN_LM_TM_PRD Quantity DECIMAL(9,3)
TransactionLimitAmount The maximum Stored Value Amount that may be spent within a single transaction. Only applies for larger value SVI's like those used for college students and military personnel. MO_TRN_LM_AMT Money decimal(16,5)
MaximumAmountPerRollingTimePeriod The upper limit on the amount of money that may be spent during a rolling time period. For example a limit of $1,000 may be impose per rolling two hour period. MO_MXM_AMT_PR_RLLNG_TM_PRD Money decimal(16,5)
RollingTimePeriodTypeCode Designates the time period used to specify a rolling time period that applies to a SVI spending limit. CD_RLLNG_TM_PRD_TYP Code varchar(20)
RollingPeriodTimeQuantity Number of RollingTimePeriodTypes for a spending limit QU_RLLNG_TM_PRD QuantityDayCount decimal(3,0)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
StoredValueInstrumentType may be limited by SpendingLimit

Logical Views containing SpendingLimit

Logical View
Logical 01420 - Prepaid and Stored Value Payment Instruments